About Kindred Pediatric Therapy

Comprehensive Care

Kindred Pediatric Therapy in Fayetteville, Arkansas, is 100% dedicated to helping your child achieve their very best life. Through physical, speech, occupational, and feeding therapy, we have a variety of tools to help your child gain strength, tolerances, abilities, and self-regulation. Every team member at Kindred Pediatric Therapy is carefully selected for their training, experience, and empathy for both children and their families. We welcome the involvement of family members in each child’s therapy. Every time your child wins, we all win.

Facility Tours Anytime!

Are you looking for a clinic that fits your child’s needs? Call to come see Kindred anytime.         We love giving facility tours to families!

About Our Founder, Allison Corter

This statement from our founder provides guidance for the culture and atmosphere of our clinic:

At Kindred Pediatric Therapy, we believe in creating meaningful connections with each child and family we serve. We focus on building relationships that inspire trust, growth, and positive change. We approach our work with joy and excitement, recognizing that laughter and fun are integral to the learning process. At Kindred, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of children and families, one smile and one success at a time.”

Allison received a bachelor’s degree in Communication Disorders from the University of Arkansas, followed by a master’s degree in Speech Language Pathology. She was then certified by the American Speech and Hearing Association. Allison has clinical lactation training and a passion for working with pediatric feeding disorders and helping babies thrive with breast and bottle feeding. 

After being the clinic director for a pediatric practice for seven years, she started Kindred Pediatric Therapy in 2023 so she could create an exceptional culture of inclusiveness, friendship, and kindness.

About Our Team

Our leadership team has carefully selected pediatric therapists and support team with expert skills and a dedication to helping both your child and your family. Every person you meet, from the front desk staff to your child’s therapist, works as a team to create an inclusive and comfortable experience with the results you have been looking for. We are committed to providing treatment programs that are precisely tailored to each child’s needs.